28 Aralık 2012 Cuma


A very short review of “Ravanda Development Project by Özyeğin Foundation”

In the project, Ravanda region (in Kilis) where population is 2.200 people is considered according to economic activities, physical base, social development, empowering the women, raising the environmental consciousness. Beside supporting and promoting the basic economic activities, some special educational programs for women and practices to increase the value of women labour are implemented for the purpose of creating a change in the social structure of the region. Moreover, to provide the sustainability of the knowledge and skills that are gained during the project is one of the aims of project.

This article is a critic about the Ravanda Project, which includes discussions about the principles, the logic and the steps that are taken in to the project. Also, it is a study which compares and critisize existing rural development projects. In the end, the purpose of this article is to reevaluate a rural development project with a designers perspective. For full text click here.

Social Innovation lecture - ITU, 2012

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